Friday 7th March 2025

Thursday 13th March | The School Book Fair Closes |
Friday 14th March | Science Day |
Wednesday 19th March | SRTRC Class Workshops (Reception, Years 3 , 5 & 6) |
Friday 21st March | SRTRC Class Workshops (Years 1, 2 &4) |
Friday 21st March | Open Afternoon - 1:45pm start (including Parent Workshop from Show Racism The Red Card) |
Wednesday 26th March | Parents' Evening |
Friday 28th March | School Sponsored Colour Run - FOBS |
Thursday 3rd April | Conway Information Meeting - 4pm TEAMS |
Friday 4th April | School Closes for Easter |
Tuesday 22nd April | Children return to school |
Thursday 24th April | Year 3 Chester Zoo |
Wednesday 30th April | Year 4 Conway Residential |
Friday 2nd May | Infant May Day |
Monday 5th May | Bank Holiday |
Monday 12th May | Year 6 SATs Week |
Friday 16th May | Bexfest |
Friday 23rd May | School Closes |
Monday 2nd June | INSET DAY |
Tuesday 3rd June | School Opens |
Friday 20th June | Knutsford Primary School Ball |
Parents' Meetings
We’re pleased to let you know that our Spring Parents' Meetings will be held on Wednesday 26th March 2025. This is a great chance to chat with your child’s class teacher about their progress, either online or in person.
Look out for an email next Wednesday 12th March with all the details on how to book your appointment. The booking system will then open at 4:00pm on Thursday 13th March.
If you have already had a SEND Support meeting or have one booked in, then there is no need to book a further one for the 26th March.
We hope to see you there!
Save the Date - FOBS Colour Run!
Get ready for an explosion of colour, fun, and fundraising!
Friends of Bexton School (FOBS) are very excited to announce our first ever Colour Run - a fantastic after-school event taking place on Friday, 28th March at 3:45pm!
Join us on the trim trail for a Holi-themed colour run packed with music, energy and excitement. Children will race through vibrant colour zones and test their skills on fun assault course challenges – all while raising money for the much-needed refurbishment of our well-loved astro turf!
Entry is just £5, which includes:
✔️ A white event t-shirt
✔️ A colour powder pack
✔️ All the resources needed for the day
To boost our fundraising efforts, we encourage children to seek sponsorship from family and friends – every little bit helps!
Parents and families are welcome to come along, cheer, and enjoy the spectacle. More details will follow soon, but for now – put the date in your calendars and get ready for a colour-filled afternoon of fun!
📅 Friday 28th March, 3:45pm – We look forward to seeing you there!

Parent Governor Election
Our Local Governing Board is made up of parent governors, co-opted governors and staff governors. Governors perform their duties on a voluntary basis, and will need to be able to commit to meeting as a group every month in term time on a Wednesday evening from 6-8.30pm, as well as giving their time on an individual basis each week with tasks such as attending daytime meetings and events at school, reading and preparing for meetings, and completing training.
Every four years we hold a parent governor election, where parents can nominate themselves for the role of parent governor for a four-year term of office. Bexton parents then vote on their preferred candidate. If you are considering nominating yourself, please contact our School Business Manager, Arran Rimmer who will send out an information sheet and eligibility criteria. Please note the closing date for nominations is 10am on 17 March.
Holiday Dates 2025 - 2026
We are pleased to share the approved school holiday dates for 2025-26, as confirmed by our Local Governing Board.
This is also a great opportunity to remind families that term-time holidays should only be taken in exceptional circumstances. Unauthorised absences of five days or more will result in a fixed penalty notice (FPN) issued by the Local Authority.
We truly appreciate your support in ensuring children are in school as much as possible, giving them the best chance to learn and thrive. Holidays taken in term time have reduced significantly this year, thanks to our shared commitment and increased awareness of government guidelines. Let’s continue working together to give our pupils the best possible education!
Pupil Data Collection Form
A reminder to please complete the Pupil Data Collection form. Please see attached the Pupil Privacy Notice for your reference, which explains how we collect, use, and protect your child’s personal data. Please take a moment to read the notice and complete the form using this link:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact our Business Manager, Arran Rimmer, directly as the school’s Data Protection Officer Thank you for your support in this important process.
Maslyana Day
The Rainbow Room had Mrs Tereshchenko in on Tuesday to explain how they celebrate Maslyana Day. This is a holiday in Ukraine and other countries, that marks the end of winter and the arrival of spring. The class made pancakes and the children tried different toppings. We all had lots of fun.

School Book Fair and World Book Day
The school book fair arrived on Thursday, which linked perfectly with our celebration of World Book Day today - the children looked absolutely brilliant, thank you for all the effort that went into their outfits!
Be sure to stop by at the book fair after school via the main school office to check out the fantastic selection of books for sale. To purchase a book, simply scan the QR code available at the book fair.

Knutsford Primary School Ball
KPSB Association is organising the annual charity ball, and we look forward to another fantastic evening dedicated to supporting our local schools! Thanks to the generous contributions from businesses near and far, this event has become a fun and rewarding experience for everyone year after year. Please mark your calendars and consider becoming a sponsor; it's for a great cause, and you won’t want to miss it! - Carla Maradei

Year 5
Year 5 had an amazing time at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester at the Halle orchestra's performance for schools. They were transported around the world through various pieces of music all linked to books in celebration of World Book Day. They were also very lucky to watch some of the Year 5 children's relatives perform in the Halle orchestra, which made it extra special.
Knutsford Fire Station
On Monday, our nursery was delighted to welcome a team of firefighters who introduced the children to their fire engine. The children had the opportunity to explore the vehicle, learn how the hoses operate and even sit inside, experiencing first-hand the tools and equipment used. This hands-on visit not only captivated their imaginations but also provided valuable insights into fire safety and the important work firefighters do in our community.

Eco News
Spring is in the air, and the blossom trees are beginning to bloom. Attached, you'll find more detailed information on the different types of blossoms and their blooming times.

Last week, Bexton entered the Knutsford Primary Netball Tournament at the Knutsford Academy. Five schools competing in the sports hall made for a very intense atmosphere! Our team worked incredibly hard all afternoon, showing respect, resilience, fantastic ability and great positivity throughout. We are delighted to say that they remained undefeated and came home with gold medals around their necks. What a bunch of superstars! They represented Bexton brilliantly and we are so proud of them. Thank you very much to their adults for supporting them also.

Year 2 Blue Planet Aquarium
Year 2 children all had a great time exploring Blue Planet Aquarium. They thoroughly enjoyed the diver show, where they met Betty the shark, lots of rays and even saw fish being fed! The children behaved beautifully and Blue Planet staff were impressed with their ocean habitat knowledge.