Friday 28th February 2025

Monday 3rd March | Clubs begin this week |
Tuesday 4th March | Year 5 Halle Visit |
Wednesday 5th March | Year 2 Blue Planet Trip |
Thursday 6th March | The School Book Fair Opens |
Friday 7th March | Dress Down Day for World Book Day |
Thursday 13th March | The School Book Fair Closes |
Wednesday 19th March | SRTRC Class Workshops (Reception, Years 3 , 5 & 6) |
Friday 21st March | SRTRC Class Workshops (Years 1, 2 &4) |
Friday 21st March | Open Afternoon - 1:45pm start (including Parent Workshop from Show Racism The Red Card) |
Wednesday 26th March | Parents' Evening |
Friday 28th March | School Sponsored Colour Run - FOBS |
Thursday 3rd April | Conway Information Meeting - 4pm TEAMS |
Friday 4th April | School Closes for Easter |
Tuesday 22nd April | Children return to school |
Thursday 24th April | Year 3 Chester Zoo |
Wednesday 30th April | Year 4 Conway Residential |
Friday 2nd May | Infant May Day |
Monday 5th May | Bank Holiday |
Monday 12th May | Year 6 SATs Week |
Friday 16th May | Bexfest |
Friday 23rd May | School Closes |
Monday 2nd June | INSET DAY |
Tuesday 3rd June | School Opens |
Friday 20th June | Knutsford Primary School Ball |
World Book Day - Friday 7th March!
We’re thrilled to be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 7th March, and we can’t wait to see the children’s creativity shine! To mark this special day, we’re inviting all pupils to come to school dressed as their favourite book character or, if they prefer, in their own clothes. Whether they choose to be a fearless adventurer, a mischievous storybook hero or a magical wizard, it’s all about celebrating the joy of reading! Happy reading everyone!

British Science Week - Parent Volunteers
This year, British Science Week - 7th to 16th March 2025 - has the theme of ‘Change and Adapt’. We have various activities planned for the period and we are connecting once again with our school community to bring science alive. We would love to hear from you if you work in any science, ecological, engineering or medical field and are prepared to give a short talk to a Bexton class, year group or phase. If you would be happy to do so, please complete this form. Thank you so much in advance for offering your time, it is greatly appreciated.
SEND Survey
The Cheshire East 0-25 SEND Partnership is conducting a survey to hear from professionals, families, parent carers, children, young people, educational settings and anyone who is part of the delivery of SEND services for children and young people aged 0 – 25. The partnership is interested to hear about what is working well and what we could do better for young people with SEND.
You can complete the survey online at before the deadline of 5 March 2025.
The feedback they receive will remain strictly confidential and will be used to help identify what needs to be improved.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
Drop-In with the Educational Psychology Team
Cheshire East Council are offering parent/carer drop in sessions within the Family Hubs across Cheshire East. These are informal opportunities for parents to discuss concerns, seek advice and explore support strategies for their child. Parents are able to book a 30-minute slot at the drop ins. The afternoon sessions will coincide with Little Stars stay and play sessions for children with SEN. Please find the details attached.
Year 3 Roman Day
Yesterday, we researched, designed and made our own Roman medals, recreated battle formations using our amazing shields, baked Roman bread and taste tested Roman food and learnt about Roman numerals. The children were amazing and we all had such a fun packed day!

Eco News
As we start to welcome the bright, sunny days of spring, it's the perfect time to help nature by building a bee hotel! Bees play a huge role in helping plants grow and by creating a cosy space for them, we can support these important pollinators.
Please click on the link Bee Hotel for how to make one. It is a fun and easy way to do something great for the environment!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Freya, Eilidh and Ollie, thank you, for your lovely books!