Friday 10th January 2025

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Upcoming Dates

Friday 24th January

FOBS Cinema Night

Friday 14th February

Break up for half term

Monday 24th February

Children return to school

Friday 28th February

FOBS Quiz Night

Thursday 4th March

Year 5 Halle Visit

Friday 14th March

Open Afternoon

Wednesday 26th March

Parents' Evening

Friday 28th March

School Sponsored Run - FOBS

Friday 4th April

School Closes for Easter

Tuesday 22nd April

Children return to school

Wednesday 30th April

Year 4 Conway Residential

Friday 2nd May

Infant May Day

Monday 5th May

Bank Holiday

Monday 12th May

Year 6 SATs Week

Friday 16th May


Friday 23rd May

School Closes

Headteacher's Message

Welcome back to the spring term 2025! It’s been quite an eventful week, filled with fun, laughter, and plenty of snowy adventures! I am incredibly thankful for the support and understanding you’ve shown as we’ve continually adapted our drop-off, pick-up, entry points and communication procedures to keep everyone safe during these icy conditions. Your cooperation has been greatly appreciated. I’d also like to say a special thank you to our phenomenal team of staff, who have braved the elements each day to teach and care for the children. I’m sure you’ll agree they’ve been absolute troopers and have made me incredibly proud to be part of ‘Team Bexton.’ That said, I think we’re all eagerly anticipating the warmer weather forecast for next week!

We’re also excited to introduce our ‘new look’ Bexton Bulletin! The redesign aims to make it easier for you to access key information on your phone or smaller devices. As always, the bulletin will include key dates and start with the most important updates (although I will admit I’ve prioritised photos of the children enjoying the snow this week—those moments were too delightful not to share!). Please make it a habit to read the bulletin each week so you don’t miss any important updates about what’s happening at school.

This term promises to be an exciting one, with several themed days and weeks already on the calendar for the children, including European Languages, Art, E-safety, and PSHE. We’re also thrilled to announce the FOBS Cinema Night on Friday, 24th January—more details to follow soon. The staff, as always, will also be working hard in the background to deliver a balanced and engaging curriculum across the school, ensuring all children make the best possible progress throughout the year. We look forward to sharing it with you!

Fun in the Snow


Multi-Purpose Building Project Update

We are pleased to announce that work on the multi-purpose building will commence with ground clearance starting on 20th January 2025. This long-awaited project marks an exciting step forward for the school community.

The new building will serve as a hub for our wraparound care facility and will also provide a dedicated space for art, dance, drama, and music—key areas we are committed to further developing across the school.

During the initial ground clearance phase, which is part of Phase 1, there should be no disruption to the day-to-day running of the school. However, you may notice construction vehicles operating behind the fenced-off area near the junior section of the playground.

If all goes according to plan, Phase 2 of the project will begin in the summer term.

We look forward to sharing more updates as the project progresses!

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Spring 1 clubs are now live to book and will start next week. Please click on the link to view the timetable Bexton Primary School: Extra Curricular Clubs

There are still places available for Hockey, Basketball and Archery/Athletics

Primary School Applications

Primary School applications are still open for children starting in September 2025. The closing date is 15th January. Parents still need to apply even if the child has a brother or sister already at the school or the child is attending a nursery/preschool attached to the school.

To apply online and for further information please go to Apply for September 2025 school place ( call 0300 123 5012. For up-to-date information please follow @CE_Admissions and The Family Information Service – @FISCheshireEast or Family Information Service (Cheshire East Council) - Home | Facebook Link: Application process for starting school in September (

Mad Science

We will be holding an assembly on Monday 13th January for Mad Science during the school day for the children. The club will run next half term (Spring 2) and be available for all years. Please find attached a flyer that contains more information about the club and how to book.

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Privacy Notice

As part of our commitment to ensuring that the data we hold about your child is accurate and up to date, we will be sending out an electronic form next week asking you for updated information. In preparation for this we have attached a Pupil Privacy Notice which outlines how we collect, use, and protect personal information in line with the Data Protection Act. We kindly ask all parents to review this important document. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact our Business Manager, Arran Rimmer, directly as the school’s Data Protection Officer Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain the highest standards of data protection.

Lets Go Potty

Please find attached information from the children's bladder and bowel society. There are free webinars designed for parents and cares who have children facing challenges related to the bowel and bladder.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to William and Ophelia, thank you for your wonderful books.

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Bexton Primary School and Nursery

Blackhill LaneKnutsford, Cheshire WA16 9DB

Arran Rimmer | School Business Manager

01565 632816