Year 4 2024 - 2025

Mr Waters

Mrs Stephenson

Please see our weekly newsletter for key dates and useful information.

Please have a look at our long term plan and medium term plans to see what your child is learning about in school. 

Year 4 Recommended Reads:

Homework for Year 4

We set homework every Thursday and it is due in the following Tuesday. If a time extension is needed, please see Mrs Stephenson or Mr Waters.

Every week, we expect your child to read daily and record their reading in their homework diaries.

Each child has a Times Table Rockstar (TTRS) login and if they practice 21 minutes (this is a magic number!) per week, they will achieve Rock Legend status! And also smash the MTC (Multiplication Times Table Check). 

Your child has been given access to Spelling Shed and spelling homework will be set weekly using this website. There are lots of games and fun activities to play in addtion to weekly spellings. 

As in previous years, homework is alternated between maths and English. We will post homework below.

Homework for Thursday 16th January:

As usual:




Maths Homework - Please can your child complete the worksheet sent home on 2 digit by 1 digit and 3 digit by 1 digit multiplication. Please ensure that they use the formal method of column multiplication when answering the questions.

Spelling homework is on Spelling Shed. 

Please do not forget to continue to access your TT Rockstars account as we will be having a huge push on times tables this half term!

We will also be inlcuding an extra list of words to love and learn on Spelling Shed. These words will stay here for several weeks to embed their knowledge of homophones. 



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Bexton Primary School and Nursery

Blackhill LaneKnutsford, Cheshire WA16 9DB

Arran Rimmer | School Business Manager

01565 632816