Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Allen
Miss Nuttall
Please see our weekly newsletter for key dates and useful information.
Please have a look at our long term plan and medium term plans to see what your child is learning about in school.
Welcome to Year 3
The children are continuing with a great attitude to learning and we have been continuing to re-write the story "Fishing Brothers Gruff". We have moved on to division in maths and are really enjoying our Romans topic.
Every Thursday your child will receive homework. This will alternate between Maths and English. This week it is English homework. Your child will bring home their Spelling Shed sheet and their homework will be to complete the variety of activities on the page This will recap what we have learnt in our spelling lessons. Please support your child in completing the activities set and return by Tuesday 21st January. Please do also encourage your child to work on Spelling Shed each week (not just the weeks we have English homework) as this will support them further with spellings, reading/phonics and vocab.
Look out for TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed logins in your child's homework diary. Please practice these as often as possible. Please see the guidance document below on how to log in to Spelling Shed.
Every Monday your child will bring home reading books. Please read these books with your child and encourage your child to record the title and pages they read in their diary. If your child finishes a book, please read again for fluency. The books need to be brought back each Monday so that they can be exchanged. Please note we will not be able to swap the books if they are not returned.