Year 2 2024 - 2025

Mrs Knight

Miss Aldridge

Mrs Maxwell

Mrs Booth

Year 2 1.JPGYear 2.JPG


Please also see our weekly Bexton Bulletin for dates and useful information.

Please have a look at our long term plan and medium term plans to see what your child is learning about in school.

Welcome to Year 2



NO HOMEWORK. Enjoy the break.


Every Wednesday your child will bring home two reading books.  Please read these with your child and record in your child's diary. If your child finishes the books, please read again, for fluency. Please return the books on the following Wednesday. Please note we will not be able to swap the books if they are not returned.  It would be really helpful if you could also write the date at the top of the page each week in the diary.


Every Thursday your child will receive homework.  This will alternate between Maths and English. This week, it is English homework.  Please complete the worksheet on adding 's' and 'es' to words ending in 'y'. Please return to school by Tuesday 11th February.
If your child has struggled with any aspect of their homework, please do let us know.


Please play the games set on Spelling Shed.

Please see the guidance document below for information on how to login.


PE lessons will be every Thursday.  Please remember to send your child dressed in their kit.

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Year 2: Calendar items

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Bexton Primary School and Nursery

Blackhill LaneKnutsford, Cheshire WA16 9DB

Arran Rimmer | School Business Manager

01565 632816