Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Howard
Mrs Patton
Welcome to Bexton Preschool Nursery
At Bexton Preschool Nursery we provide a safe, nurturing, stimulating environment in which children are able to learn and develop and ultimately be ready for school. We recognise that every child is unique and learns in their own way and at their own pace and so adapt our activities and approaches so that we are able to expand and enhance each child’s learning experience in order to develop their knowledge and understanding.
Our Nursery is managed by Kirsty Ruff
We have 3 rooms:
Cygnets 1 Room (younger 2 year olds)
Our Cygnets 1 Staff are Sharon (Room Supervisor) and Heather.
In the Autumn term, our main focus is to ensure the children settle. We have looked at a number of different stories including Shark in the Park, Dogs Colourful Day, Driving my Tractor, Owl Babies, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Gingerbread Man. The Cygnets loved bringing these stories to life in role play, retelling and re-enacting them with their peers.
Cygnets 2 Room (Rising 3 year olds)
Our Cygnets 2 staff are Gill and Helen (Room Supervisors) and Gill.
Again, in the Autumn term, our main focus is on settling the children. Cygnets 1 & 2 follow the same themes and learning throughout the year. The children learn through purposeful play and are encouraged to take age appropriate risks to help with their development. The children enjoy role play, construction, outdoor play and arts and crafts.
Swans Room (3-4 year olds)
Our Swans Staff are Mrs Howard (MTW) and Mrs Patton (WThF) (Class Teachers), Katrina, Jo, Jane, Jill, Beth & Jo.
Our Swans room is our Pre-school room where there is a focus on encouraging the children to develop the life skills and independence that they will need for school
In the Autumn term we looked at the ‘Bexton Values’ and stories such as ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and ‘Lost and Found’ which linked to friendships and being kind. We shared stories about families and friends and look at family trees and how they’ve grown since being a baby. We also looked at the different ways of travelling, shared some stories such as The Train Ride & the Tony Mitton stories Cool cars and Amazing Aeroplanes. We set up a train station and then an airport which the children loved to role play in.
In the Spring term the Swans read some traditional tales and other favourite stories such as Goldilocks, the Elves and the Shoemaker, The Gruffalo, How big is a Million? and Owl Babies. We had a very special visit from Ian who works at Lower Moss Wood who brought in 3 owls to show us. The children noticed lots of changes in our environment which led to us learning all about minibeasts and the life cycle of a butterfly and a frog.
Please also see our weekly Bexton Bulletin for dates and useful information.